
Teacups and Postcards

"...she ....took out a tea-tray, on which she had soon arranged a china tea-equipage, whose pattern, shape and size denoted a remote antiquity; a little, old-fashioned silver spoon was deposited in each saucer, and a pair of silver tongs, equally old-fashioned, were laid on the sugar basin."

Charlotte Bronte, The Professor, 1857

For the last several months, my beautiful mother has sent me a postcard each and every month. The latest arrived today carried across the ocean by a sweet little stamp: Nippon 70 . On the back of each postcard she has written a verse that always encourages me and lifts my heart. This month the verse was:

"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31

...all to the glory of God
...all to the glory of God

This makes me stop and consider....am I doing all to the glory of God? Do I take the time to consider if my actions are for His glory or my own?

Time for some more thinking.....and perhaps a cup of tea.

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