
the score is tied: 1 each

We spent Sunday afternoon at the mall, specifically at Barnes and Noble. We each got something from the cafe (the kiddos had to use their own money :)) and then found an empty spot under the journal shelves. Garnet and Hyacinth found books to read and my eye had been caught by a new magazine Artful Blogging. Electrum wandered around with Daddy to find WWII books. The Three: Jasper, Emerald and Sardius asked if we could play their favorite game.

I choose a topic or theme and The Three set off to see what they can find. They bring the book back and explain to me why they chose it and I pick a winner.

First Round: Something I would enjoy reading or find visually inspiring. Emerald was back first with a book full of beautiful flower illustrations. Next was Sardius with The Joy of Scrapbooking. Jasper finally came in with a cheeky grin and held out the very magazine I was looking at: Artful Blogging. Round One to Jasper.

Second Round: Something that had pictures I could use for artwork. Jasper was first with a beautiful coffee table book of Japan. Emerald was next with a Martha Stewart magazine with neat pictures. Sardius then held out a board game, Settlers of Cattan. Round Two to Sardius.

Third Round: Something that would bring a tear to my eye. This time they were gone for quite a while (I found out later they sought suggestions at the customer service desk and from friends that were also in the store).

Emerald came back first with the book A Boy Called It. She asked me to read the back cover. I told her that it was a good choice and that I had read that story and it was definitely something that would make you cry. Sardius next held out Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son and reminded me of the hard times we had gone through when Quartz had run away from home and we thought he might not come back again. At this Emerald stomped her foot and sighed disgustedly "That's it, I've lost it".

Jasper then held out a book on how tough it is to raise adolescents ( 5 of our children are in the adolescent stage). I complemented each one of them on their choices....Round Three to Emerald for making me laugh so hard, a tear came to my eye.

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