
Abiding in a Flower pot

A few weeks ago a red-breasted robin appeared in our back yard. At least I think it is a red-breasted robin.

She began to gather bits and pieces and commenced building a nest in a swaying branch directly above our deck. We watched as she flew to and fro and added a piece of string, only to have other parts fall down from the branch on to the deck. After much activity, she finally got the outlines of a nest built.

That evening a strong wind came and the nest fell apart. All the hard work of the day was gone in an instant. Unfortunately, she had chosen an insecure place to build, and when the winds came her hard work became nothing.

Later that week we saw her again, flying back and forth from our neighbors hanging flower pot. She had found a secure foundation, sheltered from the storms and she was rebuilding a nest. Within a few days little beaks poked up above the rim of the flower pot, wide open beaks patiently waiting for what they knew would come: sustanence.

I love watching these tiny creatures and the momma and papa birds. What a story they tell us as the parents feed the the babies confidently wait for their food. I can see God and His wonderful provision in every movement of these, His creatures.

The tiny ones are a bit bigger now. They can peek over the edge of the flower pot and look with anticipation for the coming of "the food". Through the week they have rested in that flower pot, abiding, secure in the fact that they will be cared for and fed.

Soon they will be big enough to leave the pureed food that the parents bring and seek a big solid worm on their own. They will have moved from "milk to meat".

Thank you Father that you give us exactly what we need in Your Word to grow and mature, to move from "milk to meat".

Some things that fly there be -
Birds - Hours -the Bumblebee -
Of these no Elegy.

Some things that stay there be -
Grief - Hills - Eternity -
Nor this behooveth me.

There are that resting, rise.
Can I expound the skies?
How still the Riddle lies?

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