

Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach's cello suites. A fire crackling. Dusk slowly enfolding us. The washer and dryer rumble gently below the floorboards. Peace. Quiet. Contentment.

Today is a day for remembering...for so many people in so many different ways. The Israelites had stones, feasts, cords and tassels for remembering. When Amy Carmichael established Donavhur, she set great value by the importance of days and events (I am currently reading A Chance to Die).

Perhaps in this fast paced life called America I forget the importance of the slowing down called remembering. With remembering can come sorrow...and...with remembering can come thankfulness.

Thank you Father that you never change.
Thank you that you are our Rock and Fortress.
Thank you that you are our Feast.
Thank you that you are our Peace.
Thank you for memories...good and bad.
Thank you that even when we do not have words, Your Spirit does.

1 comment:

Rich Rodriguez said...

There is no god, but I enjoy Bach as much as the next person.