
Fe Fi Fo Fum

I hear her enter by the downstairs door. Her voice squeals as she greets Sugar and showers her with love. Up the stairs she comes. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.

Fe, Fi, Fo Fum I call out. I cannot help it...I hear the giant coming. She laughs as she continues to climb BOOM. Fe!. BOOM. Fi. BOOM. Fo! BOOM Fum! One last BOOM and she enters the kitchen laughing with me. "Fe Fi Fo Fum. I'mmm gonna get you!"

She is beautiful tonight...tall. Wearing new boots that she could not resist keeping on inside the house. Her hair is pulled back and she wears no make-up. Her Daddy's leather jacket is over her red and white school sweatshirt. She has painted her fingernails red and white. She is ready to go.

It is Homecoming night and Hyacinth is excited. Into the car we go and I drop Garnet and Hyacinth at the gate of the football field. I watch Hyacinth stride off as Garnet follows with a smile. The night air is very chill. Hyacinth swings my red wrap as she strides.

BANG. The downstairs door slams shut and I hear her voice squealing again with delight as she greets Sugar. Garnets voice lovingly greets Sugar in a lower tone.

There is no fe fi fo fum as she climbs the stairs this time. She has removed her boots and comes into the living room with her eyes sparkling. "I Won! We got a strike! I won!" And we all laugh with her.

"Time for bed honey". She goes downstairs and changes into her pink penguin pajamas and comes back up for a bedtime snack. She lovingly carries her baby-doll wrapped in a purple blanket, her steps very soft now as she walks in her tinkerbell socks.

How can we help but love her?

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